Cordyceps is one of the most rare and treasured chinese herbs ( a fungus that is derived from caterpillars) , this chinese herbs will help who need extra energy and poor lung function.Ingredients:2 - 4 Chinese cordyceps (dong chong cao)1/2 Cup of water2 - 3 Chicken breasts2 -3 Mushrooms (sliced)
2 - 3 gingers (sliced)DirectionsRemove all the skin from chicke breast, wash cordyceps after that put chicken breastes, mushroom, gingers, water and cordyceps bring to a slow boil or can use slow cooker for 6 - 8 hours. Onece finished take out the chicken breastes serve the soup hot in individual seriving.
green papaya , 4 garlic cloves , 3 - 5 birds eye chilles, 2 - 4 small tomatoes ,green beans , 2 - 3 tablespoons dried shrimp, 2 tablespoons fish sauce 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 talbespoon plam sugar, cooking oil for fried papaya.
tomatoes cut half 1/2 cup , green beans (chopped 1 inchs)
Place the garlic cloves and the chilies in a mortar and mash with a pestle until crushed into chunks and add dried shrimp, fish sauce, lime juice and plam sugar.
Peel the papaya and rinse with running water to remove the acid. Remove the seeds and shred the papaya with a grater.
then deep fried green papaya untill golden colour.
After fried papaya will become gold coulour set aside.
Place the fried papaya and the remaining ingredients in the mortar and gently combine all ingredients by mixing with the pestle .